karnataka Manifesto 2018 By All Party
Manifestos are those promises of any political party which the party promises to fulfill in the interest of the public after winning the election. On this page you can find the 2023 manifestos of various parties in Karnataka.
पक्षाचा जाहीरनामा - 2018

- The manifesto promises to implement Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Karnataka based on the recommendations given by a high-level committee which is to be constituted for the purpose.
- BJP assures 3 free cooking gas cylinders to all BPL annually; one each during the months of Yugadi, Ganesh Chaturthi and Deepavali.
- The party says it will set up ‘Atal Aahara Kendra’ in every ward of every municipal corporation in the state to provide affordable, quality and healthy food across the state.
- ‘Poshane’ scheme through which every BPL household will be provided with half litre Nandini Milk every day and 5 kg Shri Anna- Siri dhanya through monthly ration kits.
- ‘Sarvarigu Suru Yojane’ under which the Revenue Department will identify and distribute 10 lakh housing sites across the state to the siteless/homeless.
- ‘Onake Obavva samajika Nyaya Nidhi’ scheme through which we will provide a matching deposit up to Rs 10,000 on 5-year fixed deposits made under the scheme by women of SC, and ST households.
- The party promises ‘ease of living’ of apartment dwellers in Bengaluru by constituting the Karnataka Residents’ Welfare Consultative Committee to reform the Karnataka Apartment Ownership Act, 1972 to modernise the grievance redressal mechanism.
- Visvesvaraya Vidya Yojane under which the state government will partner with eminent individuals and institutions for holistic upgradation of government schools to top-class standards.
- ‘Samanvaya Yojane’, under which collaborations between SMEs and ITIs, generate a dynamic ecosystem of education and unemployment for talented young professionals.

- Rs 5,000 crore for the overall development of the old Mysuru region
- New ring road to connect Mandya and Mysuru
- To build Dr Raj Kumar film city in Mysuru with Rs 500 crore budget
- Rs 1 crore infrastructure development fund, Rs 1 lakh monthly subsidy to all Kannada medium schools in Maharashtra border
- To set up Mahadayi Irrigation Development Corporation exclusively for the region
- 500-bed super specialty hospital in Karwar, Dharwad, Vijayapura and Bagalkot
- Pulses and Dal procurement centers in every district
- To reserve Rs 5,000 crore for the development of the Kalyana Karnataka region
- Textile park in Ballari with an investment of Rs 5,000 crore

- Rs 6,000 allowance to pregnant women for six months
- Five free cooking gas cylinders per year to all families
- Rs two lakh to girls who marry youths engaged in farming
- Rs 2,000 monthly allowance to all autorickshaw drivers and security guards
- Rs 10,000 free assistance per acre to farmers for buying agri inputs such as seeds and fertiliser
- Rs 2,000 monthly allowances to farm labourers
2018 चे विजेते उमेदवार
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कर्नाटक विधानसभा निवडणूक 2023 ताज्या बातम्या
हे राज्य ठरले श्रीमंत आमदारांचे 'राज्य', डोळे पांढरे करतील इतकी आहे अफाट संपत्ती
कर्नाटक विधानसभा निवडणूक 2023 LIVEFri, May 19, 2023 04:10 PM
अनाथ मुलगा झाला या मतदारसंघाचा नाथ, आमदार झाल्यानंतर बाबासाहेबांचा फोटो घेऊन जल्लोष
कर्नाटक विधानसभा निवडणूक 2023 LIVETue, May 16, 2023 04:40 PM
प्रचंड विजय... प्रचंड टेन्शन ! माझं वय झालं, आधी मला दोन... सिद्धारमैया यांचा फॉर्म्युला; डीके शिवकुमार काय म्हणाले?
कर्नाटक विधानसभा निवडणूक 2023 LIVEMon, May 15, 2023 11:34 AM
बजरंगबलीने गरगरा गदा फिरवून मोदी-शाह यांच्या टाळक्यात हाणली; दैनिक 'सामना'तून भाजपला डिवचले
कर्नाटक विधानसभा निवडणूक 2023 LIVEMon, May 15, 2023 06:57 AM
कोण होणार कर्नाटकचा नवा मुख्यमंत्री? विलासराव देशमुखांचं सरकार वाचवणारा नेता ही चर्चेत
कर्नाटक विधानसभा निवडणूक 2023 LIVESun, May 14, 2023 08:08 PM
आधी भाजपला सत्तेत आणलं, आता काँग्रेसला, कोण आहेत सुनील कानुगोलू?; काय होती विजयाची रणनीती?
कर्नाटक विधानसभा निवडणूक 2023 LIVESun, May 14, 2023 06:31 AM
कर्नाटकमध्ये भाजपच्या तब्बल 13 मंत्र्यांना जनतेने घरी पाठवलं, 'त्या' मंत्र्यांची यादी पाहा
कर्नाटक विधानसभा निवडणूक 2023 LIVESat, May 13, 2023 09:59 PM
The Karnataka Story: मागच्या निवडणुकीपेक्षा अधिक मतदान तरी भाजपचा पराभव, पाहा काय आहेत काँग्रेसच्या विजयाची कारणे
कर्नाटक विधानसभा निवडणूक 2023 LIVESat, May 13, 2023 09:32 PM
कर्नाटक निवडणुकीतील काँग्रेसच्या विजयाचा खरा 'सिकंदर', ज्यामुळे झाला भाजपचा पराभव
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